Sunday, October 19, 2008


I'm not sure I would even vote because most politicians can't keep their words and do what is best for themselves. In the video at they are talking about the economy, are their plans really going to work or are they just trying to convince people that they are better than their opponent? Seems like all you need to do to become President is be a smooth talker, Someone like Bush was able to become president and look where we are now.
I think McCain has less chance of winning due to the fact that Bush is republican and the cause of some pretty big problems talks about Bush being related to a lot of the debates and hurting the republican's chance of winning.
Either way people are going to think of reasons to make one seem worse than the other and vice-verse in order to support who their voting for. There are some sites dedicated just to talk bad about one person like just talks about what's bad about him without saying anything wrong that McCain does. Seems more like a popularity contest than a debate to me.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

I definitely get the feeling that a lot of people think of Obama as a 'golden child.'

I can see his charisma and how that would have an affect on people. He reminds me a lot of JFK in that regard.